The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India provides fellowships for pursuing research in biotechnology and life-sciences through the "DBT-Junior Research Fellowship" (DBT-JRF) Programme. Initiated in the year 2004, the DBT-JRF Programme has played a critical role in nurturing skilled human resource capital and promoting research in frontier areas of biotechnology.

Fellows are selected through an online Biotechnology Eligibility Test (BET) held annually wherein two categories of merit list are prepared (Category-I and Category-II) in line with Government of India norms for reservation. Fellows selected under Category-I are eligible to avail fellowship under the programme. These fellowships are tenable at any university/institution in India where the selected fellow registers for Ph.D Programme.

The DBT-JRF programme is being managed by the DBT-HRD Project & Management Unit (DBT-HRD PMU) established at the Regional Centre of Biotechnology, NCR Biotech Science Cluster, Faridabad. Regional Centre of Biotechnology, Faridabad is acting as the Implementation Agency through DBT-HRD PMU for the management of key human resource development programmes of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. For any updates about the DBT-JRF programme, you may please visit www.rcb.res.in.
